Yoga Exercises for Weight Loss
One may certainly thrive in their life if they are healthy! Everyone battles to remain healthy physically, psychologically, and emotionally in this hectic environment.
Yoga is among the ideal physical exercises one may include into their daily schedule. An old discipline, yoga is regarded as a necessary kind of exercise as it not only improves our mental but also our physical condition. Yoga helps us in many different ways; one may also take into account certain yoga poses meant for weight loss.
These days, people struggle with a variety of issues; among them are thyroid, diabetes, high blood pressure, and many more.
Through the process of meditation, varied Asanas, regulated breathing, and movements, yoga is regarded as the ideal practice that harmonizes the mind, soul, and body. Moreover, yoga is supposed to be really successful for weight loss. Let's talk further about this, but first let's look at how yoga helps us!
Is Yoga Effective for Weight Loss?
Yoga is regarded a wonderful tool for weight reduction, and when an individual takes care of their healthy habits, it even exhibits more favorable outcomes.
When we are anxious, our bodies release a hormone known as cortisol, which might lead us to hang onto some additional weight, notably in the belly area. Yoga benefits human beings as it decreases tension, gives peace, and eradicates cortisol, assisting in shredding the excess pounds.
How Yoga Benefits Us?
The seductive practice of Yoga provides a number of advantages, including:
Improves the flexibility
Helps with stress alleviation
Maintains optimal respiratory health Improved energy and vitality
Boost our metabolism Results in enhanced muscular tone
Improve our cardiovascular health
Helps in weight loss
Stress management
There are various Yoga Asanas, or we may call Yoga positions that are practiced every day to preserve our health for the greater good.
Yoga Exercises for Weight Loss
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
Surya Namaskar, the sort of Asanas, is a series of yoga positions that are typically used as a warm-up in Yoga sessions. Surya Namaskar Yoga serves us in many ways, it is good for the overall body; it is effective for weight loss since it incorporates the full body. It tones the shoulders, neck, spine, hands, arms, wrists, leg and back muscles. For the maximum outcomes, one should execute it with the navel tucked in.
Let us inform you that one cycle of Surya Namaskar has two sets of 12 yoga positions each and it burns up to 13.90 calories (approximately 1 minute of jogging) for an average weight individual. So, one may pick the amount of sets according to their aims.
Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)
- Another in line of yoga exercises for weight loss is Virabhadrasana. It is ideal for toning the arms, legs, and lower back. It assists in increasing stamina and boosts metabolism by enhancing oxygen and blood flow to the muscles. As an individual may gain muscle through the Warrior Pose, it boosts their body’s capacity to burn calories and fat even when resting.
Konasana (Angle Pose)
- The next in line is Konasana, it is a Yoga asana that aids in burning fat around the waistline. An someone who adds sana in their regular yoga regimen, it can indirectly improve their weight reduction by increasing flexibility and balance. Further, this Yoga asana promotes the digestive system.
Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
- One needs to understand that the higher the metabolic rate you have, the more fat you burn. Utkatasana is widely known for raising the metabolic rate and is one of the effective yoga poses for weight reduction. When we hold on to the chair stance, it works on our muscles and tone the thighs, legs and knees.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
The Bhujangasana Yoga aids us to strengthen our core and back, it further tones the arms, back, and belly. It cannot be viewed as a direct instrument for weight loss, but it impacts the process. It can boost your weight reduction journey by developing muscle and improving posture. In addition, it lowers fat in the abdominal muscles and the stomach area.
Along with this, one may also explore some additional Yoga activities for weight reduction such as Nidra, Navasana (Boat Pose), Ustrasana (Camel Pose), Parivrtta Utkatasana (Twisted Chair Pose), and more.
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Everyday Yoga Poses
Mountain Pose– A basic asana that helps you to practice the principles of good alignment and muscular activation.
Downward Facing Dog- The Downward dog stretches yoga practice boosts the blood flow through our body. Further, it assists to reduce stress from the back as well as neck.
Upward Facing Dog- It is claimed to be a back-bending yoga pose that delivers a deep back stretch while also engaging our core. This may also be classified as one of the yoga exercises for weight loss.
Plank– A plank Yoga aids us in strengthening the core and abdominal. It additionally strengthens the hips, lower back and abdominal.
Chair posture- Chair posture is claimed to be extremely highly excellent in toning the legs, stretching your chest, and strengthening your core muscles.
Butterfly- The butterfly stance incorporates the up-and-down movement of both legs. They should be part of your data quality testing approach. Furthermore, the butterfly posture may assist expand the hip joint muscles and possibly help in toning the bottom region of the body.
Child’s position- Child position in another Yoga pose that extends our neck, lower the back, thighs, and ankles, while also releasing your hips. It gives a relaxing effect.
Everyone should execute several of the primary Yoga positions daily. Let us go ahead to Yoga for weight loss.
How Often Should We Do Yoga to Lose Weight?
It is suggested to do Yoga everyday. Specifically, when a someone is striving for weight loss, they might practice as much as feasible. One can conduct more rigorous, vigorous practice at least 4 or 5 times per week, for a minimum of 1 year. Other than this, restorative Yoga sessions are fantastic possibilities.
Furthermore, if you’re a newbie then you may start with a 20-minute practice and go up from there. This will further assist us to build up more strength, and flexibility, and prevent injuries.
Another recommendation for experienced practitioners is to mix your Yoga practice with sports like walking, cycling, or swimming for cardiovascular health. Make sure you take a 1 or 2-day rest each week. Let’s now look at some of the effective yoga exercises for weight loss!