Ways to Increase Lung Capacity Naturally
Did you know that even your lungs need exercise to remain healthy and for your body to function normally? Your body needs oxygen for survival. Every activity in the body is dependent on oxygen, including the metabolic functioning of cells. The lungs execute the duty of delivering oxygen to every region of the body. And, by exercising a few exercises routinely, you can train your lungs to increase their capacity, which will lead to enhanced lung efficacy and greater oxygen intake. This will, in turn, protect the body from various respiratory disorders, help increase stamina, and ensure enhanced oxygen supply to every part of the body. So, scroll right down and check out these super-efficient exercises to increase your lung capacity while you experience an enhanced quality of life.
Exercises To Increase Lung Capacity
Warm Up
A limber up is necessary before doing any exercise.So, let’s limber up before beginning the exercises to increase lung capacity.
Head Tilt (left and right) – 1 set of 10 repetitions
Head Nod (up and down) – 1 set of 10 repetitions
Neck extension
Arm circles – 1 set of 10 repetitions
Shoulder circles – 1 set of 10 repetitions
Waist circles – 1 set of 10 repetitions
Bend over and touch heels – 1 set of 5 repetitions
Calf raise – 1 set of 20 repetitions
Interlock your fingers, extend your wrists forward and draw your shoulders back.
Slow spot jogging – 1 set of 20 repetitions
Now you are equipped and can commence the respiratory exercises. Here’s what you must do.
1. Abdominal Breathing
Abdominal respiration is an excellent exercise when it comes to increasing the lung capacity. Here’s a step by step explanation. You can also click on the video link to observe how to do abdominal breathing exercise accurately.
Steps To Do Abdominal Breathing
Lie down on your back with one hand on the abdomen and the other on the thorax.
You can position a bolster underneath your knees.
Breathe in through the nostril, retain your breath, and exhale through the mouth.
Try and compress your abdominal muscles in the end to remove any residual oxygen from your airways.
Do this 10 times and then come to a seated position.
Relax your shoulders, maintain your back upright, and exercise abdominal breathing techniques.
2. Rib Stretch
This exercise is all about inhaling through the lungs so that your ribcage expand and contract as you inhale and exhale. This also trains your airways to inhale the utmost quantity of oxygen. There’s a step by step description of how you stretch your ribcage, but you can also view this video.
Steps To Do Rib Stretching Exercise
In the rib stretch, you have to stand upright, with your spine erect, and expel all the oxygen from your lungs.
Breathe in steadily and contain as much oxygen in your lungs as you can.
Hold your breath for 10 to 15 seconds before exhaling steadily.
Do this exercise three times a day to enhance lung capacity.
Place your hands on your midriff and bend on each side alternately.
Bring your palms overhead. Bring the left hand back to your left midsection and bend towards your left to feel the stretch on your right side.
Do the same on the other side. Repeat this a few times.
Finish with a few more rib stretch breaths.
3. Numbered Breath
This exercise will assist you if you are suffering from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) or just want to increase your lung efficacy and capacity. Following are a video and a step by step description of this highly effective breathing exercise.
Steps To Do Numbered Breathing Exercise
Stand erect with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Breathe in through your nose for 2 seconds and while exhaling out, purse your lips and exhale for 4 seconds.
Add a little variation to this exercise by clasping your hands together and extending your arms in front of your torso.
Breathe in through your nostril, and while exhaling out, pivot towards your left and then to your right. Do this for as long as you exhale. Make sure the duration of exhalation is prolonged than that of inhalation.
Another variation is to flex your forearms and place your fingertips on your shoulders (like a fowl) and inhale. While exhaling, do a set of arm rotations.
Now, do abdominal respiration for 1 minute.
Finally, terminate it with forceful inhaling.
4. Oriental Breath
Oriental breath is yet another respiratory exercise that helps the lungs function efficiently and optimally. It can also help you lose weight. Here’s a video demonstrating it.
Steps To Do Oriental Breath Exercise
Stand with your right leg in front of your left limb.
Squeeze your glutes, lean slightly backward, and keep your shoulders relaxed.
Inhale in 3 seconds. You can move your arms from your sides to over your head as you inhale.
Pause for a moment and then exhale abruptly with force. Move your palms from over your head to the sides as you exhale.
Repeat this 3-5 times.
5. Pushing Out
Pushing out is a highly potent respiratory exercise that increases the capacity of your lungs to assimilate oxygen. Here are a video and a step by step description of how to do it accurately.
Steps To Do Pushing Out Exercise
Stand in an upright posture and loosen your ankles.
Bend down as you force out all the oxygen from your lungs.
Get return to the upright position, inhaling in the air.
Fill your lungs with as much oxygen as possible and retain your breath as long as you can.
Extend your arm over your head and lower back to the beginning position while exhaling. Do this exercise 4 times daily.
Read Also: Effective Yoga Poses For Bronchitis Relief
6. Lung Strengthening Pranayama
Anulom-vilom is a pranayama that can help increase your lung capacity. It also helps with tension reduction and provides relief from anxiety. Doing it accurately can be challenging in the beginning, but practice will make you flawless. Here’s a video to assist you.
Steps To Do Anulom Vilom
Sit in the Lotus Position. Keep your back erect and core engaged.
Close your left nostril with the ring finger of your left hand.
Take a deep and steady inhalation through your right nostril.
Now, close your right nostril with your thumb and simultaneously open your left nostril by moving your ring finger aside.
Slowly exhale through your left nostril.
Take a steady and deliberate inhalation from your left nostril.
Again, close your left nostril with the ring finger and simultaneously open the right nostril by moving your thumb aside. Slowly exhale.
Do this 10 times.