5 Ways to Connect With Your Child
Through the darkness, you hear the sound of your children stifling their laughter as you wave your hands around, trying to capture them. To be honest, this has never been your favorite game. You can think of lots of stuff you’d rather be doing than bumbling about the home blindly. (Ouch! Was that coffee table always there?) But to your kids, it’s the finest game on the earth! So you play. But despite your lack of passion for the game, you have started to notice that something unusual happens after every play session.
How do I modify my child’s misbehavior?
And my answer always begins the same way. It all starts with YOU!
That’s true; your behaviors as a parent have a powerful association with the misbehavior you’re witnessing in your children.
Now, please don’t assume I’m here to point fingers! At some point in life, every parent comes to recognize the role they play in their children’s conduct. I’m just here to assist!
Believe it or not, one of the major ways you can alter misbehavior (for the better!) is to engage with your kids on their level. Because you can’t expect your kids to think like grownups. They’ve never been there before!
1. Channel Your Inner Child
One of the finest ways to connect with your child is to adapt your perspective to one that more closely reflects their own.
In other words, I want you to act, play, and think…like a kid!
You know, we all start out in life with that charming childish perspective. Do you recall looking up at the sky and seeing the shapes produced in the clouds?
There’s a rhino chasing a bunny rabbit! That one looks like a donut with a bite bitten out of it!
But now, when you look up at the sky, all you see are puffy, white, cumulonimbus clouds. Each form is an indistinct blob that doesn’t look like anything at all.
You recall that childhood imagination and feeling of wonder, but you lost the skill to harness it sometime along the way to maturity.
And, oh, what you wouldn’t give to get it back!
Here’s the deal. For adults, it is tougher to harness our inner kid. And with good cause! After all, how much of our day do we spend at work, in meetings, doing housework, and taking care of our children?
2. Schedule Daily One-on-One Time
Want to know the finest treatment for treating misbehavior? Spending meaningful time with your child!
It’s no secret our children crave our time and attention. Okay, if you’re the parent of a teenager, you may be rolling your eyes right now. But it’s still vital!
In fact, the most effective tool in the Positive Parenting Solutions® toolkit is what we refer to as MIND, BODY AND SOUL TIME togetherness.
MIND, BODY AND SOUL TIME® connection happens when we consciously set aside time each day to emotionally connect and invest attention into our kids one-on-one. This time is incredibly crucial because not only does it tell our children how much we value them–it shows them!
What youngster wouldn’t want that?
However, for this medicine to function, you’ve needed to give your kids a daily dosage. Two if you can spare it!
3. Take Time Away From Technology
At the conclusion of a hard workday, I understand how attractive it is to pull on your most comfy pajamas, and lay in bed idly perusing through social media while the kids are in bed deep asleep.
Because nothing shouts “distraction” from life’s problems quite like technology.
Plus, it’s a beautiful instrument that serves a purpose. BUT it’s crucial to set limits both for yourself and your children when it comes to its use.
Because for as many good technology brings to our lives as parents, it can be as harmful.
For instance…
How disheartening is it when you urge your child to do their Family Contributions, but they’re stuck playing on the iPad? Honestly, it’s probably just as disheartening for them when they ask you a question, and you’re glued to your phone.
Read Also: When Grandparents Interfere in Positive Parenting
4. Slow Down
Do any of these sound familiar?
As parents, it’s natural for us to elevate the schedule above all else. After all, having a well-oiled daily routine might feel like a necessity of survival, especially when our children thrive on patterns.
But as the expression goes, sometimes you need to stop and smell the flowers.
Because children view time differently than adults.
Every year that passes by, time seems to hurry up more and more. Yesterday you were your child’s age, then you blinked, and here you are. You think, Where did the time go?
Of course, we know time functions the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. There will always be 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day. But it doesn’t imply it feels the same for everyone.
In fact, the younger you are, the slower time feels.
Final Thoughts
If you’ve been wishing to connect with your child on a deeper level, don’t wait another minute to take action. Now is the moment to reach out and get on their level!
Because the reality is, it wasn’t that long ago you were a youngster yourself. It may take some time, energy, and practice on your side, but engaging with your children on their level is a certain approach to lessen the amount of misbehavior you witness every day.